Set Your Variables Carefully

Be especially careful when you retype instead of cut and paste. Quoting errors in can cause things to fail. The following items are also variable issues. Also, some features only work if they are enabled by their option in either or

moin.cgi found, Moin doesn't run

If you have to add the moin code location into the system path, make sure to specify the place above MoinMoin itself, so that the word MoinMoin is recognized during the import request.

CSS files do not work

A very common error is missing CSS styles. Your wiki looks bare and ugly, unlike this nice wiki. In most cases, you did break the configuration by not reading the instructions.

The fix is very easy: make sure your Apache Alias and ScriptAlias are NOT the same.

This Apache setup will never work:

Alias /wiki/ "/prefix/share/moin/htdocs/"
ScriptAlias /wiki/ "/var/www/wiki/moin.cgi"

The Alias is used to serve static files: css, images, etc. ScriptAlias is used to hide moin.cgi from the url. You must use different values! You can use anything you like for ScriptAlias, or Alias, but Alias must match the url_prefix_static configuration option.

Here is an example that works (the default):

# Apache config
Alias /moin_static170/ "/prefix/share/moin/htdocs/"

# Wiki config
    url_prefix_static = '/moin_static170'