Upload page content

You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name

Locked History Actions


/!\ The ImageLink macro is gone since MoinMoin 1.6.1.

It was replaced by better link/transclusion markup. The migration scripts converted all old content from 1.5 to the new syntax of 1.6, including replacing usage of ImageLink macro by builtin new syntax. You can still get it from MacroMarket if you insist on using it. If you used MoinMoin 1.6.0 and your users have added ImageLink macro calls to the content of your wiki, please use full text search to locate them and replace them as you see below:

Old way:


New way:

[[target|{{image|alt|width=123 height=456}}]]

You see, this is a quite natural way:

  • usually you write [[target|text]] when you want to use some text label

  • if you rather want an image "label", you just use the image markup instead of the text
  • the markup for showing (transcluding) an image is {{image|alt|params}}