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Netsukuku :: Close the world, txEn eht nepO

Author: Andrea 'Alpt' Lo Pumo <alpt@freaknet.org>

Author: (hereby presented by Jaromil)

                             Medien.kunstlabor Graz

                               Date: Sep 15 2007




 _  _       _              _          _         
| \| | ___ | |_  ___ _  _ | |__ _  _ | |__ _  _ 
| .` |/ -_)|  _|(_-<| || || / /| || || / /| || |
|_|\_|\___| \__|/__/ \_,_||_\_\ \_,_||_\_\ \_,_|


In short, Netsukuku is an autoconfigurable Internet: protocols such as BGP,
OSPF, RIP, are substituted by a single scalable structure, which doesn't
require any external interventions.

Moreover, the whole Netsukuku is a mesh network: every node acts as a router.
Thanks to this feature it can be easily used to build a worldwide distributed,
anonymous and not controlled network, separated from the Internet, without the
support of any servers, ISPs or control authorities.

   _      _                             __  __           _    
  /_\    | |    __ _  _ _  __ _  ___   |  \/  | ___  ___| |_  
 / _ \   | |__ / _` || '_|/ _` |/ -_)  | |\/| |/ -_)(_-<| ' \ 
/_/ \_\  |____|\__,_||_|  \__, |\___|  |_|  |_|\___|/__/|_||_|


Currently there are a wide number of dynamic routing protocols, but
they are solely utilised to create small and medium nets.
Instead, the routers of Internet are managed by different protocols such as
the OSPF, the RIP, or the BGP.  All these protocols require a very
high waste of CPU and memory. Indeed, the Internet routers are
computers specifically dedicated to the executions of these
protocols. It would be impossible to implement one of these protocols
to create and maintain a mesh network large as the whole Internet.



   _      ___                _          _    _  _       _   
  /_\    | __|_ _  __ _  __ | |_  __ _ | |  | \| | ___ | |_ 
 / _ \   | _|| '_|/ _` |/ _||  _|/ _` || |  | .` |/ -_)|  _|
/_/ \_\  |_| |_|  \__,_|\__| \__|\__,_||_|  |_|\_|\___| \__|


Netsukuku is a mesh network built on top of its own dynamic routing
protocol.  The Netsukuku protocol structures the entire net as a
fractal and, in order to calculate all the needed routes it makes
use of a particular algorithm called QSPN (Quantum Shortest Path

The particular structure of the Netsukuku topology, permits to every
node to store its whole Netsukuku map in just few Kilobytes.  On the
other hand, the QSPN is an algorithm that has to be executed by the
network itself. The nodes, in order to execute it, have just to send
and receive the Tracer Packets, without using heavy computational
resources (in short, the QSPN is a sort of distance-vector routing

 ___                   ___    ___                
| _ \ ___  ___  _ _   |_  )  | _ \ ___  ___  _ _ 
|  _// -_)/ -_)| '_|   / /   |  _// -_)/ -_)| '_|
|_|  \___|\___||_|    /___|  |_|  \___|\___||_|  


Netsukuku is a distributed, collaborative network of nodes. For this
reason, the development of P2P applications over Netsukuku is rather
easy.  A P2P application over Ntk can directly access the information
regarding every part of the network by reading the maps and can known
immediately its dynamic changes by listening to QSPN packets. In order
to ease the development of such applications, a "ntkp2p" library will
be developed.

The NTK RFC 0014 describes how is it possible to create a distributed
P2P service over the Netsukuku network. As example, a distributed P2P
Bittorrent service is presented.


   _     _  _   ___    _  _     _   
  /_\   | \| | |   \  | \| |   /_\  
 / _ \  | .` | | |) | | .` |  / _ \ 
/_/ \_\ |_|\_| |___/  |_|\_| /_/ \_\


The Abnormal Netsukuku Domain Name Anarchy is the distributed, non
hierarchical and decentralised system of hostname management used in
the Netsukuku network.

It substitutes the DNS.  The ANDNA database is scattered inside all
Netsukuku network. In the worst case, every node will have to use few
hundred kilobytes of memory.  It is basically a p2p service naturally
built over netsukuku

It permits to every node to register, freely, a maximum of 256

ANDNA: http://netsukuku.freaknet.org/doc/main_doc/andna.pdf

__   __ _        _     _  _                    
\ \ / /(_) _ __ | |_  (_)| | __ _  _ __   __ _ 
 \ V / | || '_ \| ' \ | || |/ _` || '  \ / _` |
  \_/  |_|| .__/|_||_||_||_|\__,_||_|_|_|\__,_|


The Virtual to Physical Layer Mapper solves the compatibility issues
with BGP and OSPF.

Viphilama stands for Virtual to Physical Layer Mapper.

The basic idea of Viphilama is to connect, with Internet tunnels,
nodes which aren't physically linked. Then whenever, Viphilama finds
that a virtual link can be replaced by a physical one, it removes the
virtual link.

Viphilama transforms Netsukuku into a hybrid overlay network which
expands the original structure of the Internet.


 ___  _          _             
/ __|| |_  __ _ | |_  _  _  ___
\__ \|  _|/ _` ||  _|| || |(_-<
|___/ \__|\__,_| \__| \_,_|/__/


Netsukuku is being developed since more than 2 years and as of today
has just been rewritten the second time, adopting Python as the
language for a new modularized structure, still efficient enough for
embedded hardware solutions, while core components keep on being
implemented in C.

   Request For Comments about Netsukuku


    * NTK_RFC 0014 P2P over Netsukuku Ntk p2p over ntk (done)
    * NTK_RFC 0013 Caustic Routing Ntk caustic routing
    * NTK_RFC 0012 Net Split Ntk net split
    * NTK_RFC 0011 Carciofo Ntk carciofo
    * NTK_RFC 0010 Viphilama Ntk viphilama
    * NTK_RFC 0009 SNSD Ntk SNSD
    * NTK_RFC 0008 Restricted IP classes Ntk restricted ip classes (deprecated)
    * NTK_RFC 0007 Andna counter pubk: Ntk andna counter pubk
    * NTK_RFC 0006 Andna and dns: Ntk andna and dns
    * NTK_RFC 0005 Life probability: Ntk life probability
    * NTK_RFC 0004 Mail Exchange request: Ntk MX request (deprecated)
    * NTK_RFC 0003 Internet gateways search: Ntk IGS
    * NTK_RFC 0002 Bandwidth measurement: Ntk bandwidth measurement
    * NTK_RFC 0001 Gnodes contiguity: Ntk gnodes contiguity 

 ___  _          _             
/ __|| |_  __ _ | |_  _  _  ___
\__ \|  _|/ _` ||  _|| || |(_-<
|___/ \__|\__,_| \__| \_,_|/__/


Implementation status

     * NTK_RFC 0001 [ 50% ]
     * NTK_RFC 0002 [ 00% ]
     * NTK_RFC 0003 [ 90% ]
     * NTK_RFC 0004 [100% ] (deprecated by NTK_RFC 0009)
     * NTK_RFC 0005 [ 00% ]
     * NTK_RFC 0006 [100% ]
     * NTK_RFC 0007 [100% ]
     * NTK_RFC 0008 [100% ] (deprecated by NTK_RFC 0012)
     * NTK_RFC 0009 [ 90% ]
     * NTK_RFC 0010 [ 05% ]
     * NTK_RFC 0011 [ 00% ]
     * NTK_RFC 0012 [ 00% ]
     * NTK_RFC 0013 [ 00% ]
     * NTK_RFC 0014 [100% ]

Contributes to development are very welcome

             more to come: Hackmeeting 0x0A in Pisa 28-29-30 sept.

                    Thanks! A thousand flowers will blossom!