Locked History Actions

attachment:UBNT_SDK3.3.2_with_olsrd-01.patch of UbntStations

Attachment 'UBNT_SDK3.3.2_with_olsrd-01.patch'


   1 diff -Nur SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/apps/web/common/index.cgi SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/apps/web/common/index.cgi
   2 --- SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/apps/web/common/index.cgi	2009-01-28 09:36:50.000000000 +0100
   3 +++ SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/apps/web/common/index.cgi	2009-03-09 13:33:01.000000000 +0100
   4 @@ -77,6 +77,14 @@
   5  			addOption(o, '<? echo dict_translate("Show Port Forward..."); >', 'pfw.cgi');
   6  			addOption(o, '<? echo dict_translate("Show DHCP Leases..."); >', 'leases.cgi');
   7  		}
   8 +    if('<? echo cfg_get_def($cfg, "olsrd.status", "disabled"); >'=='enabled') {
   9 +			addOption(o, '<? echo dict_translate("Show OLSR Neighbors..."); >', 'solsr.cgi?olsrview=neigh');
  10 +			addOption(o, '<? echo dict_translate("Show OLSR Links..."); >', 'solsr.cgi?olsrview=link');
  11 +			addOption(o, '<? echo dict_translate("Show OLSR Topology..."); >', 'solsr.cgi?olsrview=topo');
  12 +			addOption(o, '<? echo dict_translate("Show OLSR MID..."); >', 'solsr.cgi?olsrview=mid');
  13 +			addOption(o, '<? echo dict_translate("Show OLSR HNA..."); >', 'solsr.cgi?olsrview=hna');
  14 +			addOption(o, '<? echo dict_translate("Show OLSR Routes..."); >', 'solsr.cgi?olsrview=route');
  15 +    }
  16  		selectOption(o,'');
  17  	}
  18  	var o = document.getElementById('tools');
  19 @@ -324,6 +332,12 @@
  20  	       	<option value="fw.cgi?netmode=<? echo $netmode;>"><? echo dict_translate("Show Firewall..."); ></option>
  21  		<option value="fw.cgi"><? echo dict_translate("Show Port Forward..."); ></option>
  22  		<option value="leases.cgi"><? echo dict_translate("Show DHCP Leases..."); ></option>
  23 +		<option value="solsr.cgi?olsrview=neigh"><? echo dict_translate("Show OLSR Neighbors..."); ></option>
  24 +		<option value="solsr.cgi?olsrview=link"><? echo dict_translate("Show OLSR Links..."); ></option>
  25 +		<option value="solsr.cgi?olsrview=topo"><? echo dict_translate("Show OLSR Topology..."); ></option>
  26 +		<option value="solsr.cgi?olsrview=mid"><? echo dict_translate("Show OLSR MID..."); ></option>
  27 +		<option value="solsr.cgi?olsrview=hna"><? echo dict_translate("Show OLSR HNA..."); ></option>
  28 +		<option value="solsr.cgi?olsrview=route"><? echo dict_translate("Show OLSR Routes..."); ></option>
  29  	  </select></td>
  30  		  <td>&nbsp;</td>
  31  		  <td class="h"><? echo dict_translate("Tools:"); ></td>
  32 diff -Nur SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/apps/web/common/lib/link.inc SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/apps/web/common/lib/link.inc
  33 --- SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/apps/web/common/lib/link.inc	2009-01-19 14:25:34.000000000 +0100
  34 +++ SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/apps/web/common/lib/link.inc	2009-03-09 13:33:01.000000000 +0100
  35 @@ -952,10 +952,16 @@
  36  );
  38  Function cfg_get_ipv4gw $cfg, $iface, $gw (
  39 -        if (!strlen($gw)) {
  40 -                $gw = "";
  41 -        }
  42 -        return cfg_get_def($cfg, "route.1.gateway", $gw);
  43 +  $status = "disabled";
  44 +  $status = cfg_get_def($cfg, "route.1.status", $status);
  45 +  if($status == "enabled")
  46 +  {
  47 +    if (!strlen($gw)) {
  48 +      $gw = "";
  49 +    }
  50 +    return cfg_get_def($cfg, "route.1.gateway", $gw);
  51 +  }
  52 +  return "";
  53  );
  55  Function cfg_get_dns $cfg, $dns (
  56 diff -Nur SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/apps/web/common/lib/netrouterap.tmpl SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/apps/web/common/lib/netrouterap.tmpl
  57 --- SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/apps/web/common/lib/netrouterap.tmpl	2008-11-17 16:42:54.000000000 +0100
  58 +++ SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/apps/web/common/lib/netrouterap.tmpl	2009-03-09 13:33:01.000000000 +0100
  59 @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
  60  	  	onClick="return openPage('ipalias.cgi?iface=<? echo $wan_iface;>',720,330);" /></td>
  61        </tr>
  62         <tr><td class="f"><strong><? echo dict_translate("Gateway IP:"); ></strong></td>
  63 -	<td colspan="3"><input class="f" type="text" name="wangw" id="wangw" value="<?echo $wangw>" required="1" callback="validateWanIP" realname="<? echo dict_translate("LAN Gateway IP"); >"/></td>
  64 +	<td colspan="3"><input class="f" type="text" name="wangw" id="wangw" value="<?echo $wangw>" required="1" callback="validateWlanOptIP" realname="<? echo dict_translate("LAN Gateway IP"); >"/></td>
  65        </tr>
  66         <tr><td class="f"><strong><? echo dict_translate("Primary DNS IP:"); ></strong></td>
  67  	<td colspan="3"><input class="f" type="text" name="dns1" id="dns1" value="<?echo $dns1>" required="1" callback="validateWanIP" realname="<? echo dict_translate("Primary DNS IP"); >"/></td>
  68 diff -Nur SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/apps/web/common/lib/netroutersta.tmpl SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/apps/web/common/lib/netroutersta.tmpl
  69 --- SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/apps/web/common/lib/netroutersta.tmpl	2008-11-17 16:42:54.000000000 +0100
  70 +++ SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/apps/web/common/lib/netroutersta.tmpl	2009-03-09 13:33:01.000000000 +0100
  71 @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
  72  	  	onClick="return openPage('ipalias.cgi?iface=<? echo $wan_iface;>',720,330);" /></td>
  73        </tr>
  74         <tr><td class="f"><strong><? echo dict_translate("Gateway IP:"); ></strong></td>
  75 -	<td colspan="3"><input class="f" type="text" name="wangw" id="wangw" value="<?echo $wangw>" required="1" callback="validateWanIP" realname="<? echo dict_translate("WLAN Gateway IP"); >"/></td>
  76 +	<td colspan="3"><input class="f" type="text" name="wangw" id="wangw" value="<?echo $wangw>" required="1" callback="validateWlanOptIP" realname="<? echo dict_translate("WLAN Gateway IP"); >"/></td>
  77        </tr>
  78         <tr><td class="f"><strong><? echo dict_translate("Primary DNS IP:"); ></strong></td>
  79  	<td colspan="3"><input class="f" type="text" name="dns1" id="dns1" value="<?echo $dns1>" required="1" callback="validateWanIP" realname="<? echo dict_translate("Primary DNS IP"); >"/></td>
  80 diff -Nur SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/apps/web/common/lib/services.tmpl SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/apps/web/common/lib/services.tmpl
  81 --- SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/apps/web/common/lib/services.tmpl	2008-11-17 16:42:54.000000000 +0100
  82 +++ SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/apps/web/common/lib/services.tmpl	2009-03-09 13:33:01.000000000 +0100
  83 @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
  84                  telnetStatusClicked();
  85                  sshStatusClicked();
  86                  syslogStatusClicked();
  87 +                olsrStatusClicked();
  88          }
  89          window.onload=init;
  90  </script>
  91 @@ -242,6 +243,23 @@
  92  	</tr>
  93  	</table>
  94  	</form>
  95 +
  96 +	<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="services.cgi" method="POST" onSubmit="return validateStandard(this, 'error');">
  97 +	<table class="linktable" cellspacing="0"> 
  98 +	<tr><th colspan="3"><? echo dict_translate("OLSRd"); ></th></tr>
  99 +	<tr>
 100 +	<td class="f"><strong><? echo dict_translate("Enable OLSRd:"); ></strong></td>
 101 +	<td><input type="checkbox" name="olsr_status" value="enabled" id="olsr_status" <? if ($olsr_status=="enabled") { echo "checked"; }> onClick="olsrStatusClicked();"></td>
 102 +	<td class="f">&nbsp;</td>
 103 +	</tr>
 104 +	<tr>
 105 +	  <td class="f">&nbsp;<input type="hidden" name="action" value="cholsr"></td>
 106 +	  <td><input type="submit" value="<? echo dict_translate("Change"); >">&nbsp;</td>
 107 +	  <td class="f">&nbsp; </td>
 108 +	</tr>
 109 +	</table>
 110 +	</form>
 111 +
 112  <!-- we use default certificates
 113  	<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="services.cgi" method="POST" onSubmit="return validateStandard(this, 'error');">
 114  	<table class="linktable" cellspacing="0"> 
 115 @@ -274,6 +292,34 @@
 116  	</form>
 117  -->
 119 +	<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="services.cgi" method="POST" onSubmit="return validateStandard(this, 'error');">
 120 +	<table class="linktable" cellspacing="0"> 
 121 +	<tr><th colspan="3"><? echo dict_translate("OLSRd Configuration"); ></th></tr>
 122 +	<tr>
 123 +	<td class="f"><strong><? echo dict_translate("Upload Configuration File:"); ></strong></td>
 124 +	<td><input type="file" name="olsr_conf_file" id="olsr_conf_file" realname="<? echo dict_translate("Configuration File"); >"></td>
 125 +	</td>
 126 +	<td class="f">&nbsp;</td>
 127 +	</tr>
 128 +	<tr>
 129 +	  <td class="f">&nbsp;<input type="hidden" name="action" value="olsrconfupload"></td>
 130 +	  <td><input type="submit" value="<? echo dict_translate("Upload"); >">&nbsp;</td>
 131 +	  <td class="f">&nbsp; </td>
 132 +	</tr>
 133 +	<tr>
 134 +	 <td class="f" rowspan="2"><strong><? echo dict_translate("Current Configuration File:"); ></strong></td>
 135 +	 <td>
 136 +       <input type="button" onClick="return openPage('olsrconf.cgi');" value="<? echo dict_translate("Download..."); >">
 137 +       <input type="submit" id="olsrconfdelete" name="olsrconfdelete" value="<? echo dict_translate("Remove"); >"
 138 +         onClick="return confirm('<? echo dict_translate("qst_remove_olsr_conf|Do you really want to remove uploaded OLSRd Configuration file?"); >');">
 139 +	 </td>
 140 +	  <td class="f"> &nbsp; </td>
 141 +	</tr>
 142 +  	<td></td>
 143 +	</table>
 144 +	</form>
 145 +
 146 +
 147      </td>
 148    </tr>
 149    <tr> 
 150 diff -Nur SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/apps/web/common/services.cgi SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/apps/web/common/services.cgi
 151 --- SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/apps/web/common/services.cgi	2008-09-30 17:09:13.000000000 +0200
 152 +++ SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/apps/web/common/services.cgi	2009-03-09 13:33:01.000000000 +0100
 153 @@ -132,6 +132,13 @@
 154                  }
 155  		cfg_save($cfg, $cfg_file);
 156  		cfg_set_modified($cfg_file);
 157 +	} elseif ($action == "cholsr") {
 158 +		if ($olsr_status != "enabled") {
 159 +			$olsr_status = "disabled";
 160 +		}
 161 +		cfg_set($cfg, "olsrd.status", $olsr_status);
 162 +		cfg_save($cfg, $cfg_file);
 163 +		cfg_set_modified($cfg_file);
 164  	} elseif ($action == "httpscertupload" && strlen($httpscertdelete) > 0) {
 165  		@unlink("/etc/persistent/https/server.crt");
 166  		@unlink("/etc/persistent/https/server.key");
 167 @@ -174,6 +181,32 @@
 168  		}
 169  		cfg_save($cfg, $cfg_file);
 170  		cfg_set_modified($cfg_file);
 171 +	} elseif ($action == "olsrconfupload" && strlen($olsrconfdelete) > 0) {
 172 +		@unlink("/etc/persistent/olsrd.conf");
 173 +		cfg_save($cfg, $cfg_file);
 174 +		cfg_set_modified($cfg_file);
 175 +	} elseif ($action == "olsrconfupload") {
 176 +		if (strlen($olsr_conf_file) == 0)
 177 +		{
 178 +			$error_msg = dict_translate("msg_no_olsr_conf_file_specified|No OLSRd configuration file specified.");
 179 +			include("lib/services.tmpl");
 180 +			exit;			
 181 +		}
 182 +		$conf_error = check_uploaded_file($olsr_conf_file,
 183 +				$olsr_conf_file_size, dict_translate("OLSRd configuration"), 5120);
 184 +		if (strlen($conf_error) > 0)
 185 +		{
 186 +  		$error_msg = $conf_error;
 187 +			@unlink($olsr_conf_file);
 188 +			include("lib/services.tmpl");
 189 +			exit;
 190 +		}		
 191 +		if (strlen($olsr_conf_file))
 192 +		{
 193 +			exec("mv "+$olsr_conf_file+" /etc/persistent/olsrd.conf");
 194 +		}
 195 +		cfg_save($cfg, $cfg_file);
 196 +		cfg_set_modified($cfg_file);
 197  	}
 198  }
 200 @@ -182,6 +215,7 @@
 201  $ssh_status = cfg_get_def($cfg, "sshd.status", $ssh_status);
 202  $syslog_status = cfg_get_def($cfg, "syslog.status", $syslog_status);
 203  $rsyslog_status = cfg_get_def($cfg, "syslog.remote.status", $rsyslog_status);
 204 +$olsr_status = cfg_get_def($cfg, "olsrd.status", $olsr_status);
 205  $httpport = cfg_get_def($cfg, "httpd.port", "80");
 206  if (strlen($httpport) == 0) {
 207  	$httpport = "80";
 208 diff -Nur SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/apps/web/common/system.js SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/apps/web/common/system.js
 209 --- SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/apps/web/common/system.js	2008-10-08 16:44:17.000000000 +0200
 210 +++ SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/apps/web/common/system.js	2009-03-09 13:33:01.000000000 +0100
 211 @@ -104,3 +104,7 @@
 212  var c=document.getElementById('roStatus');
 213  statusClicked(c,new Array('rousername', 'roPassword'));
 214  }
 215 +function olsrStatusClicked() {
 216 +var c=document.getElementById('olsr_status');
 217 +statusClicked(c,new Array());
 218 +}
 219 diff -Nur SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/conf/xs2/busybox.config SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/conf/xs2/busybox.config
 220 --- SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/conf/xs2/busybox.config	2008-10-20 23:34:04.000000000 +0200
 221 +++ SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/conf/xs2/busybox.config	2009-03-09 13:33:01.000000000 +0100
 222 @@ -360,8 +360,9 @@
 224  CONFIG_PS=y
 225  # CONFIG_RENICE is not set
 226 -# CONFIG_TOP is not set
 227 -# CONFIG_UPTIME is not set
 228 +CONFIG_TOP=y
 231  # CONFIG_SYSCTL is not set
 233  #
 234 diff -Nur SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/conf/xs2/product.mk SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/conf/xs2/product.mk
 235 --- SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/conf/xs2/product.mk	2009-02-14 13:50:44.000000000 +0100
 236 +++ SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/conf/xs2/product.mk	2009-03-09 13:33:01.000000000 +0100
 237 @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 238  	    iproute2  trigger_url ntpclient igmpproxy dropbear
 239  #	    bird batmand wifidog
 240  #APPS_GPL += libpcap tcpdump iperf
 241 +APPS_GPL += libpcap tcpdump olsrd
 245 diff -Nur SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/conf/xs5/busybox.config SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/conf/xs5/busybox.config
 246 --- SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/conf/xs5/busybox.config	2008-10-17 23:03:39.000000000 +0200
 247 +++ SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/conf/xs5/busybox.config	2009-03-09 13:33:01.000000000 +0100
 248 @@ -360,8 +360,9 @@
 250  CONFIG_PS=y
 251  # CONFIG_RENICE is not set
 252 -# CONFIG_TOP is not set
 253 -# CONFIG_UPTIME is not set
 254 +CONFIG_TOP=y
 257  # CONFIG_SYSCTL is not set
 259  #
 260 diff -Nur SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/conf/xs5/product.mk SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/conf/xs5/product.mk
 261 --- SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/conf/xs5/product.mk	2009-02-14 13:50:44.000000000 +0100
 262 +++ SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/conf/xs5/product.mk	2009-03-09 13:33:01.000000000 +0100
 263 @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 264  	    iproute2  trigger_url ntpclient igmpproxy dropbear 
 265  #	    bird batmand wifidog
 266  #APPS_GPL += libpcap tcpdump iperf
 267 +APPS_GPL += libpcap tcpdump olsrd
 271 diff -Nur SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/rootfs/ls2/linuxrc SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/rootfs/ls2/linuxrc
 272 --- SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/rootfs/ls2/linuxrc	2008-08-29 04:19:27.000000000 +0200
 273 +++ SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/rootfs/ls2/linuxrc	2009-03-09 13:33:01.000000000 +0100
 274 @@ -128,6 +128,15 @@
 275  	/sbin/ubntconf
 276  fi
 278 +# add olsrd to init
 279 +grep -q "olsrd.status=enabled" /tmp/system.cfg
 280 +if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -x /bin/olsrd ]; then
 281 +    cp -f /usr/etc/init.d/olsrd /etc/sysinit/olsrd.conf
 282 +    echo "null::respawn:/bin/olsrd -nofork" >> /etc/inittab
 283 +    echo "olsrd" >> /etc/startup.list
 284 +fi
 285 +
 286 +
 287  echo "Executing init..."
 288  exec /sbin/init -f
 290 diff -Nur SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/rootfs/ls2/usr/etc/rc.d/rc.softrestart SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/rootfs/ls2/usr/etc/rc.d/rc.softrestart
 291 --- SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257.orig/rootfs/ls2/usr/etc/rc.d/rc.softrestart	2008-07-29 13:03:56.000000000 +0200
 292 +++ SDK.UBNT.v3.3.2.4257/rootfs/ls2/usr/etc/rc.d/rc.softrestart	2009-03-09 13:33:01.000000000 +0100
 293 @@ -20,6 +20,14 @@
 294  	/sbin/ubntconf
 295  fi
 297 +# add olsrd to init
 298 +grep -q "olsrd.status=enabled" /tmp/system.cfg
 299 +if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -x /bin/olsrd ]; then
 300 +    cp -f /usr/etc/init.d/olsrd /etc/sysinit/olsrd.conf
 301 +    echo "null::respawn:/bin/olsrd -nofork" >> /etc/inittab
 302 +    echo "olsrd" >> /etc/startup.list
 303 +fi
 304 +
 305  RC_CMD=start
 306  . /etc/rc.d/rc

Attached Files

To refer to attachments on a page, use attachment:filename, as shown below in the list of files. Do NOT use the URL of the [get] link, since this is subject to change and can break easily.
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:30, 3.3 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.2.3-rc_files-01.tar.gz]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:30, 14.8 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.2.3-rc_with_olsrd-01.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:27, 2988.2 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.2_with_olsrd-01.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:27, 2989.0 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.2_with_olsrd-02.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:27, 2989.6 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.2_with_olsrd-03.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:28, 2987.0 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.2_with_olsrd-04.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:29, 2993.1 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.2_with_olsrd-05.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:29, 2993.2 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.2_with_olsrd-06.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:31, 3.3 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.3.2_files-01.tar.gz]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:31, 3.3 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.3.2_files-02.tar.gz]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:31, 14.1 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.3.2_with_olsrd-01.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:31, 15.0 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.3.2_with_olsrd-02.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2009-11-28 23:50:58, 3.3 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.4_files-01.tar.gz]]
  • [get | view] (2009-11-28 23:50:50, 14.0 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.4_with_olsrd-01.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2009-11-29 01:06:21, 3.3 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.5_files-01.tar.gz]]
  • [get | view] (2010-09-09 21:52:52, 3.4 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.5_files-02.tar.gz]]
  • [get | view] (2009-11-29 01:06:15, 14.0 KB) [[attachment:UBNT_SDK3.5_with_olsrd-01.patch]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:30, 3249.5 KB) [[attachment:XS2.ar2316.v3.2.3-rc.SDK.090126.1742.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:31, 3173.4 KB) [[attachment:XS2.ar2316.v3.2.SDK.090126.1807.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:31, 3237.9 KB) [[attachment:XS2.ar2316.v3.3.2.SDK.090309.1408.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2009-11-28 23:52:29, 3001.9 KB) [[attachment:XS2.ar2316.v3.4.SDK.091129.0031.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2009-11-29 01:07:54, 2986.1 KB) [[attachment:XS2.ar2316.v3.5.SDK.091129.0153.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2010-09-09 21:55:09, 3009.9 KB) [[attachment:XS2.ar2316.v3.5.SDK.100607.2152.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:28, 3242.1 KB) [[attachment:XS5.ar2313.v3.2.3-rc.SDK.081127.0009.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:26, 3294.0 KB) [[attachment:XS5.ar2313.v3.2.SDK.081104.0432.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:27, 3294.0 KB) [[attachment:XS5.ar2313.v3.2.SDK.081105.1817.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:28, 3293.9 KB) [[attachment:XS5.ar2313.v3.2.SDK.081105.2244.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:29, 3294.0 KB) [[attachment:XS5.ar2313.v3.2.SDK.081106.0330.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:30, 3294.0 KB) [[attachment:XS5.ar2313.v3.2.SDK.081106.0634.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:30, 3186.0 KB) [[attachment:XS5.ar2313.v3.2.SDK.081106.2050.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2009-06-06 00:02:31, 3254.5 KB) [[attachment:XS5.ar2313.v3.3.2.SDK.090309.1344.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2009-11-28 23:54:30, 3014.4 KB) [[attachment:XS5.ar2313.v3.4.SDK.090929.0153.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2009-11-29 01:10:44, 2998.8 KB) [[attachment:XS5.ar2313.v3.5.SDK.091129.0145.bin]]
  • [get | view] (2010-09-09 21:53:59, 3022.8 KB) [[attachment:XS5.ar2313.v3.5.SDK.100607.2015.bin]]
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